Help! I Can’t Pass My Driving Test

I recently worked with a young woman who counted the days down until she was 17 so that she could learn to drive, yet now she had reached that magical age she was overcome with fear and anxieties about taking her driving test. This is the person who[…]

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Increasing Self Esteem in Teenagers Using NLP

Increasing Self Esteem in Teenagers Using NLP “Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.” – Louise Hart, Community Psychologist It’s a difficult time being a teenager in this day and age.  Teenagers[…]

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Improving Teenage Attitudes

Unlike mine and my parents younger years, today we have much more efficient therapies available for people in need of emotional guidance and coaching and we really are at a new era of understanding ourselves on a deeper level, both consciously and unconsciously. With a lot of teenagers[…]

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