Creating Responsible Attitudes

The reason why it’s important that we help young people to feel comfortable with taking responsibility is so that they improve their confidence around their decision-making and can go on to become competent adults. I will share with you a key strategy that I use with parents, and[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Handle Resistance to Resolution

Do you have a young person who is resistant to fixing their problem? As a parent, you are not necessarily wrong in identifying that problem equally they are not necessarily wrong in saying that they don’t want to fix it. When we’re looking at our teenagers, they are[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Secret Key to Better Connection

One of the first things that we need to be aware of when we are looking to create a better connection with our young people is that we have to get our own agenda out of the way. What I mean by this is you might have an[…]

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Areas Covered:

The label of ‘Slow Learning’

I want to talk to you today about the label of slow learning. For some children, they do not keep up with their peers in aspect of their development and those children may be referred to as a slower learner or they may be given some other more[…]

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Areas Covered:

Break The Rules And Have Fun!

I often talk to parents in my Hertfordshire therapy space and professionals in Hertfordshire schools about creativity and rules. I personally think that there is a fine and interesting balance to be had between creativity and following the rules. But why am I thinking about this today? Well,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Choice Theory – Does It Work?

Today I’m going to be talking to you about something called ‘Choice Theory’; you may have come across this before and I just want to give you a little refresher around it. I won’t be going into tons and tons of detail but I think reminding ourselves that[…]

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Areas Covered:

Stop What You’re Doing And Step Back

I am going to be asking you to do something that you might not want to do: I’m going to be asking you to stop what you are doing and take a step back. What I am really talking about here is something that’s quite difficult to describe[…]

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Areas Covered:

Rest: Why Children Need It

As we approach the new school term here in Hertfordshire there is something I see happening amongst parents and professionals, and that is we’re building up to this sense of getting ready to go out and do things full-steam, hard-hitting with as many different activities as we possibly[…]

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Areas Covered:

Reducing Pressure

I often talk to parents, professionals in Hertfordshire about why it’s so important that you take the pressure off yourselves and take the pressure off of the young people that you are working with. Welcome to the modern Western world where you are constantly in a state of[…]

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Areas Covered:

What CAN You Do?

I often see young people at my therapy space in Hertfordshire who have been brought along by their parents because they (as parents) are worried about their progress in some way – be it academically, socially or emotionally. It makes perfect sense to me that when a human[…]

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