Making Decisions

I used to employ a specific technique during the NLP4Kids discovery days, and I want to share that same example with you today. It’s interesting because just the other day, I was contemplating decision-making strategies and it reminded me of this technique. However, I couldn’t recall all the[…]

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Areas Covered:

Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Teachers

The Christmas season, often associated with joy and celebration, can have a profound effect on the mental health of teachers.  While many people look forward to the holidays as a time of relaxation and family bonding, for teachers, the festive period often brings heightened stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.[…]

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Areas Covered:

How Effective is Your Schools Current Mental Health Service?

In recent years, the need for effective mental health support for children has become increasingly apparent. This has been especially noticeable for me, in the area I work in, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire. While general mental health programs can provide a framework, they often fall short in addressing the[…]

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Areas Covered:

Phone Usage and Social Media: The Impact on Anxiety

In today’s world, smartphones and social media have become huge parts of children’s lives. While these technological advancements offer numerous benefits, they also have a downside – a potential impact on mental health. One of the most discussed aspects is the link between excessive phone usage and social[…]

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Areas Covered:

Understanding Children’s Reluctance to Attend School

As an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner working with children and families in Market Harborough, I have seen a growing number of parents concerned about their children or teenagers refusing to go to school.  While some level of reluctance is common among children at various stages of their development,[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Power of Language, Self Talk and Generalising!

When talking with clients at my office in Telford about how we interpret life from the outside through our 5 senses and what we choose to filter, I always recollect a time when I generalised a situation and upon reflecting on what seemed a simple action and how[…]

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Areas Covered:

The 3 Anxiety Voices

Let me introduce you to three distinct voices that can intensify a child’s anxiety unnecessarily. However, these voices might also be familiar to you. One of these voices is the anxious voice that resides within your mind. It can sometimes create a few complications when you’re feeling anxious.[…]

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Areas Covered:

We Will Not Talk About Mental Health In India (even if it kills us)

Since my trip to India to launch the NLP4Kids franchise in this beautiful, diverse country, I have faced some heavy criticism from the country’s natives regarding the likelihood of successfully providing our coaching and mental wellbeing services to the nations young people. It appears that when it comes[…]

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Areas Covered:

Get Your Friends to Make Up: Children and Young People

When your friendship group breaks up, leaving you in the middle, it can be a difficult situation to manage. You might feel as if you are loyal to one and not the other or find yourself listening to them complaining about the other time and again. It would[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Get Motivated: Children and Young People

Motivation might be something that you only experience when doing the things you want to do. So how do you motivate yourself to do the things you do not want to do? Is it even possible The good news is that by learning the strategies required to motivate[…]

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Areas Covered: