3 Quick Anxiety Fixes: Children and Young People

Whilst the real fix for anxiety may involve learning some strategies and putting them into action over a few weeks to see the long-term results (such as the NLP4Kids overcome anxiety 10-week programme www.mychildhasanxiety.com), there are some things you can do to help you feel better quickly. These[…]

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Take Control & Responsibility: Children and Young People

It might seem strange to think that taking responsibility would feel good. After all, who wants to do anything more than they have to?! But the reality is that when you are more responsible you have a greater sense of control and feel more powerful. Sometimes people confuse[…]

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3 Ways to Face Your Fears: Children and Young People

This video will tell you about 3 NLP4Kids strategies that you can use to overcome fears and worries. The first one is called visual rehearsal. Visual rehearsal is when you imagine situations in your mind that may have happened in the past, could happen in the future or[…]

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Stop Worrying About What Other People Think: Children and Young People

When you worry about what other people think those thoughts can take over and become a real drain on your energy. Knowing that other people probably aren’t thinking of you negatively nearly as much as you think they are isn’t always enough to stop your brain from getting[…]

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What’s Your Real Problem?

Do you need some help to pin down and identify a problem with your young person? Sometimes you will not be sure what the problem is, or you think you know the problem, but it changes, or you might feel you are dealing with multiple problems that are[…]

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An Attitude of Gratitude: Children and Young People

If you remind yourself of the thing to be grateful for every single day, your brain will start looking out for other good stuff in your world to feel good about. So having an attitude of gratitude doesn’t just make you a nicer person, it makes you a[…]

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The Weird Things About Adolescence: Children and Young People

Adolescence is a strange time. You’re growing physically, mentally and emotionally whilst making decisions that can impact the rest of your life. It can be a very confusing time when you are not entirely sure of yourself. I’m going to talk about the common challenges during adolescence and[…]

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Who’s Bullying The Bully?: Children and Young People

  Sometimes what looks or feels like bullying might be a one-off event and it’s important that we don’t get too carried away too quickly into calling someone a bully. In this video, we’ll explore what really is bullying and what may not be.  You’ll also learn what[…]

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Three Anxiety Voices in Your Head: Children and Young People

Most of us are aware that there is often an internal dialogue – a chit chat that we have with ourselves that is commentating on our observations, experiences and emotions. That inner voice can sometimes make a bad situation worse by providing unnecessary dramatic interpretations and narration of[…]

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Coping with Change: Children and Young People

As you brace for school transition (or any other kind of change) it can be unsettling and create a sense of uncertainty. We often think of uncertainty negatively, and yet it is a very important experience to help us grow. Growth rarely comes without uncertainty!  However, when change[…]

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