Tag: mental health
Getting Annoyed (and how to avoid it) – Children and Young People
Feelings of annoyance can really zap your energy and positivity. Worst of all, it’s a massive waste of time to feel that way! In this video I share with you 3 tips for overcoming the feelings of being annoyed, The most important, in my opinion, is that the[…]
Read moreStop Holding a Grudge – Children and Young People
“Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.” Basically, holding a grudge is only going to harm you, use up your energy and your concentration that you could be spending on far better things. In this video, I’ll share with you[…]
Read moreRest: Why Children Need It
As we approach the new school term here in Hertfordshire there is something I see happening amongst parents and professionals, and that is we’re building up to this sense of getting ready to go out and do things full-steam, hard-hitting with as many different activities as we possibly[…]
Read moreStop Comparing Yourself – Children and Young People
If you’ve noticed yourself comparing yourself to others, and noticed how it makes you feel bad, there are a few things you might want to consider doing. Comparing yourself to others might at times make you feel good – or smug – when you realise that you are[…]
Read moreBehaviour or Anxiety: How to Spot The Difference
In my Hertfordshire clinic, I use my basement to deliver training for some of the NLP4Kids practitioners and I also deliver training to young people under my not-for-profit organisation Superheroes. The workshops that I’m at delivering at the moment are for young people who have issues around anxiety[…]
Read moreNLP4Kids February 2020 Newsletter
Parents & Professionals: Getting Young People to Listen Children & Young People: How to get Motivated We each have different listening and speaking styles and understanding which you and your young people have can be crucial in maintaining positive and proactive communication with each other. Some people take[…]
Read moreProblem Spotting VS Problem Solving
I see a lot of parents and their children at my Hertfordshire therapy space and here’s what I’ve noticed: sometimes children and young people have problems. Sometimes there are issues with their behaviour, sometimes there are issues with their emotional well-being, sometimes there are issues with their health[…]
Read moreNLP4Kids January 2020 Newsletter
Parents & Professionals: Creating Family Values Children & Young People: I Can’t Do It! Our values exist at a much deeper level than our beliefs and can therefore have a great deal of influence over how we end up reacting and behaving. They can instal in us good[…]
Read moreParents And Professionals: NLP4Kids 2019 Research Project
This year we’re making a statistical difference to anxiety and depression in children and young people – and we can prove it! I’m going to share with you something very interesting – and exciting(!) I’m going to be sharing with you the results of a research project that[…]
Read moreParents and Professionals: Is Poor Mental Health Contagious?
If it is possible that children learn everything they know from the adults (parents and teachers) who interact with them, is it possible that they can also take on board mental health issues of others around them? Often self-harm issues around young people come in clusters – it’s[…]
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