We Will Not Talk About Mental Health In India (even if it kills us)

Since my trip to India to launch the NLP4Kids franchise in this beautiful, diverse country, I have faced some heavy criticism from the country’s natives regarding the likelihood of successfully providing our coaching and mental wellbeing services to the nations young people. It appears that when it comes[…]

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The Secret to Developing Resilience

I had the opportunity to attend an event with the NLP4Kids team where we delved into the topic of resilience. Together, we compiled a comprehensive list of strategies that we believe are incredibly valuable in nurturing and fostering resilience in young individuals. We unanimously agreed that developing resilience[…]

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Is it ADHD or Anxiety: Part One

If you happen to know a young person who is struggling with anxiety, I highly recommend enrolling them in ‘The Overcome Anxiety Programme’. This program, which takes 10 weeks to complete, has been scientifically proven to boost confidence, reduce anxiety, and alleviate feelings of depression. In fact, a[…]

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Empowering Children & Teenagers: Building Confidence for Life

…Building Confidence for Life’s Adventures Let’s talk about confidence—what it means for our kids and why it’s a game-changer. Drawing from my experience as a mother and a child and young person’s NLP4kids therapist, I’ve witnessed the incredible impact of building confidence in young minds. Let’s explore the[…]

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I know how to beat OCD

We all know someone who describes themselves as “a little OCD” they are meaning that they might like things to be neat, tidy, and organised in a specific way. That is not OCD, that is just liking things to be a certain way. I used to describe the[…]

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The Power of A Post It Note…

The power of a Post-it note! and necessary interrupt Recently I found a yellow sticky post-it note handwritten by my 11-year-old daughter which had been planted in my pencil case …. yes I still use a pencil case! And unashamedly it comes with a strict rule – hands[…]

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Dealing with Repetitive Behaviours and OCD Tendencies

I’m going to be sharing with you my top nine tips for helping a young person who has some obsessive type tendencies. I’m trying to steer away from saying OCD here. OCD is a very rare and unique disorder and most of us are somewhere on a spectrum[…]

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Get Your Friends to Make Up: Children and Young People

When your friendship group breaks up, leaving you in the middle, it can be a difficult situation to manage. You might feel as if you are loyal to one and not the other or find yourself listening to them complaining about the other time and again. It would[…]

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Bad Influence Friendships: Parents & Professionals

Have you heard of the saying “what you resist persists?” The same rule applies when you attempt to dissuade a young person from forging friendships with those you disapprove of. The more you try to convince them that this friend is a bad influence, the more you will[…]

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Responsibility For Anxiety

We must allow other people to take responsibility for their own health which benefits them in a few different ways: It allows them to become good problem solvers and we like that a lot. When they have challenges in the future they won’t necessarily need to lean on[…]

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