What’s Behind Your Anger?: Children and Young People

  Anger is filled with energy but there might be something else in there too. Whilst anger is considered to be a primary emotion, which results in secondary emotions such as sadness or guilt, there might be something else going on too. Sometimes children and young people use[…]

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Going Soft When Under Pressure

Sometimes, parents are a bit too wishy-washy, too soft and they need more backbone in their style of communicating, to get the best out of a young person. There is no one-size-fits-all when working with young people, the key is in your flexibility. How much you can change,[…]

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How to Unstick an Stuck Child

This article features the answer to a question today from one of our Parents & Professionals members (click here to join: https://nlp4kids.org/membership/) What do you do when a child or young person says, “I can’t do it!” and genuinely feels stuck, and cannot move forward? Schoolwork and homework are useful examples[…]

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What I Didn’t Want to Tell You About NLP4Kids

I’m writing today because we really need to up-our-game to address the growing number of mental health issues that C19 has left in its wake. We need more people on our team; people like you.  As much as we’re in the business of making a difference, it needs[…]

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Learning to Like Healthy Food: Children and Young People

If you are a sugar addict or you know that you are not eating as much healthy stuff as you should do, this video is for you. The very first thing you need to do if you want to begin enjoying healthier foods is to change your attitude[…]

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Creating Responsible Attitudes: Parents & Professionals

In this video, I’m sharing a strategy that we use at NLP4Kids to get young people to feel empowered to take more responsibility. It’s extremely simple but all of the steps are important to do to ensure it works effectively.  The key thing to remember is that if[…]

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The Beetle in Your Shoe

Dealing with things that are not right is never a good plan. If you’re looking for some inspiration to start fixing things, then continue reading… Back in the day, I was constantly working, but not in the most efficient manner. Some aspects of my life were beginning to[…]

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Encouraging a Problem Solving Attitude.

Here are some strategies to help young people with more independent problem-solving. Since C19 has happened, many young people have had anxieties and concerns about being back at school. There’s still a lot of social anxiety coming up as a result of being cocooned for 12 months. There[…]

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Under Pressure: Parents & Professionals

A few days ago the UK government released a white paper detailing their goals to help more primary aged children meet the expected standards in Education. This has lead many to ask the question: How do we improve standards with our increasing the levels of pressure and stress[…]

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Dealing with Body Image Issues: Children and Young People

 If you are unhappy with the way you look to a point where it impacts upon how you feel or causes you to think negatively about yourself, there are a few important things that can really help.  Firstly, the quickest and easiest way to change your body[…]

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