Child Therapy: A Parent’s Guide

As a parent or carer, it’s natural to want the best for your child, teenager or young person, especially when it comes to their mental and emotional well-being. When faced with challenges or concerns that affect their mental health, seeking the help of a child therapist can be[…]

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Areas Covered:

How NLP can be useful for Children

I have been working with children and young people now for over twenty-four years and love the awe and wonder they have when learning about how they work and how our world works. The best part is what I call the light bulb moment when they understand a[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Beetle in Your Shoe

Dealing with things that are not right is never a good plan. If you’re looking for some inspiration to start fixing things, then continue reading… Back in the day, I was constantly working, but not in the most efficient manner. Some aspects of my life were beginning to[…]

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Areas Covered:

Why Your Children Won’t Talk To You!

In my therapy clinic in Hertfordshire, one of the most common questions is “why won’t my children talk to me?” These parents are dealing with children who have anger, anxiety, sleeping problems and all sort of things! Many parents stress that the child or young person won’t tell[…]

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Areas Covered:

Talking About Race

I’m going to be talking to you about how we can educate children that difference is good. In the last few years across the world, we have seen an uprising in response to the different types of racism that occur throughout Society. This can be a challenging topic[…]

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Areas Covered:

Managing Meltdowns

I’m going to give you my three top tips on managing meltdowns.  The very first one is when there is a meltdown on the horizon. I know these things can move like a tsunami, they can move fast and they can accelerate rather quickly – particularly if a[…]

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Areas Covered:

Creating Family Values

You may have been in a school where there is a list displayed of school values, these are the things that they find to be most important on either a spiritual, emotional or mental or maybe even a physical level for their environment. Very often businesses have these,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Getting Young People To Listen!

I want to introduce you to a couple of concepts around speaking and listening. The reason why I think this is going to be useful and important for you to know about is that different people have different styles when it comes to speaking and listening. The two[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Secret Key to Better Connection

One of the first things that we need to be aware of when we are looking to create a better connection with our young people is that we have to get our own agenda out of the way. What I mean by this is you might have an[…]

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Areas Covered:

5 Tips For Coping With Back To School Anxiety

We are currently living in unprecedented times and it is incredible to think about what our children are experiencing when we often struggle to process it ourselves as adults! With the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to predict what the future will look[…]

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