Is it ADHD or Anxiety: Part Two

Last month, we focused on the striking similarities between ADHD and Anxiety in our article. This month, I wanted to delve deeper into this vast topic. At my therapy clinic, I work extensively with both children and parents, providing them with support and strategies to cope with anxiety[…]

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Areas Covered:

Parental Anxiety

Sometimes, as parents, we may find ourselves being overly protective of our children due to our own anxieties. We might be afraid to let them take on responsibilities or explore new adventures because we worry that something bad might happen. However, by denying them these opportunities, we are[…]

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Areas Covered:

Responsibility For Anxiety

We must allow other people to take responsibility for their own health which benefits them in a few different ways: It allows them to become good problem solvers and we like that a lot. When they have challenges in the future they won’t necessarily need to lean on[…]

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Areas Covered: