Building Confidence in Kids and Teenagers: Practical Insights and NLP Techniques

As a foster parentChildline counsellor and NLP4Kids Practitioner,  I often observe the profound impact that confidence, or the lack thereof, can have on children’s lives. In today’s world, many children and teenagers face unique challenges that can erode their self-confidence. However, with the right support and techniques, we can help them build the confidence they need to thrive.

Why Do Kids and Teenagers Have Confidence Issues Today?

The modern world presents a variety of factors that can contribute to confidence issues in children:

  1. Social Media Pressure: The pervasive presence of social media can create unrealistic standards and constant comparison, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
  2. Academic Pressure: Increased emphasis on academic performance and standardised testing can make children feel stressed and overwhelmed.
  3. Bullying and Peer Pressure: Negative interactions with peers, both in-person and online, can significantly impact a child’s self-esteem.
  4. Parental Expectations: High expectations from parents, though well-intentioned, can sometimes create pressure and fear of failure.
  5. Fast-Paced Lifestyle: The rapid pace of modern life can lead to a lack of quality family time and meaningful connections, which are essential for a child’s emotional well-being.

Statistics Highlighting the Issue

Recent statistics reveal the extent of confidence issues among children in the UK and Ireland, including Northern Ireland:

  • A survey by the Children’s Society found that 1 in 10 children in the UK has low self-esteem, impacting their daily lives and future prospects.
  • In Ireland, a study by the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) revealed that 25% of adolescents report feeling low in confidence.
  • Northern Ireland has reported similar issues, with a study from the Northern Ireland Youth Forum indicating that 1 in 5 young people experience significant self-esteem challenges.

These statistics underline the urgent need for effective support systems to help children build and maintain their confidence.

What Does Confidence Look Like in our Youth?

Understanding the signs of confidence in children is the first step towards fostering it. Confident kids often display:

  • Willingness to Try New Things: They explore new activities and are open to challenges.
  • Independence: They perform tasks on their own and make decisions without constant reassurance.
  • Speaking Up: They express their opinions and participate in discussions.
  • Resilience: They recover from setbacks and view mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Positive Body Language: They maintain eye contact, stand up straight, and use expressive gestures.

In social interactions, confident children initiate play, take on leadership roles, respect others, and handle peer pressure effectively. Academically, they participate actively in class, set and pursue personal goals, and seek help when needed. Emotionally, they express themselves clearly, accept themselves, and maintain a positive outlook on life.

How NLP Can Help Develop Confidence in Kids and Teenagers

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers powerful techniques to help children build confidence. Here are a few that I find particularly effective:

  1. Anchoring Positive States: This technique involves associating a physical action or gesture with a positive emotional state. For example, teaching a child to squeeze their thumb and forefinger together when they feel proud or successful can create a reliable anchor they can use to boost their confidence in challenging situations.
  2. Reframing Negative Thoughts: Reframing helps children see situations from a different perspective. For instance, if a child is upset about a low test score, we can help them view it as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than a failure.
  3. Visualisation: Encouraging children to visualise themselves succeeding in specific tasks can enhance their confidence. Guided imagery where they see themselves performing well in a presentation or excelling in a sport can create a positive mindset and reduce anxiety.
  4. Swish Pattern: This technique involves replacing negative mental images with positive ones. If a child often imagines failing, we guide them to replace that image with one of success, helping to shift their focus from fear to confidence.
  5. Setting Achievable Goals: Helping children set and achieve small, realistic goals builds their sense of accomplishment and gradually increases their confidence. Celebrating these achievements reinforces their belief in their abilities.


Building confidence in children is crucial for their development and well-being. As parents, educators, and practitioners, we have the power to influence their confidence positively. By understanding the challenges they face and using effective NLP techniques, we can support children in becoming confident, resilient individuals ready to take on the world.

For more insights and personalised support, feel free to reach out to me, Nicola McCay  – NLP4Kids Practitioner.

Let’s work together to empower the next generation with the confidence they need to succeed.

By Nicola McCay, NLP4Kids Practitioner


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