At Last!
At last there is an NLP4Kids book with guidance on how to stop anxiety and grow confidence for the children and young people in your life and work. It’s not an eBook, this is a real-life physical book that will be posted out to you.
Stop Anxiety and Grow Confidence
It is of no shock to you, I’m sure, to learn that mental health and well-being problems are steeply on the rise in one of our most vulnerable groups – children. The number of cases of children with stress, anxiety and depression is soaring and professionals are hard pushed to cater for these challenges. Parents are often at a loss as to how to best support their child.
Whether you are a parent or professional, you will find out what you need to know to be able to fully support a child’s emotional and mental development in this, the very first book from NLP4Kids.
The book is 175 pages of NLP4Kids case studies, techniques and guidance for you to help children and young people stop feeling anxious and to start growing confidence. There’s a bonus section on communication skills and some important guidance around helping to improve mental well-being.
This book is based on the experience and skills that I have developed from a long career combining my experience with children with NLP. I now train and mentor the NLP4Kids team as well as continuing my professional coaching practice and delivering NLP4Kids in schools to children, parents and teachers. I’ve also paid some special attention to the children who seem to be “coping” with mental well-being problems, such that they are in danger of going unnoticed and continuing to suffer in silence.
Back in the summer, I hosted a webinar series which included topics such as confidence, anxiety, communications skills and mental well-being and the book has been inspired by these. In addition there are answers to the frequently asked questions in each of the subject areas of the book as well as some personal stories that will help you to understand the foundations that NLP4Kids was built upon.

That’s not the size of the book! That’s one of our manuals! The book is A5 🙂
When I created NLP4Kids in 2007 many people thought that there just wasn’t going to be a need for this sort of work. Sadly they were wrong. Mental health and well-being issues, are a cause for many social ills and doesn’t just put a strain on family dynamics and classroom environments. It creates a much wider ripple effect in your community. That’s why I want as many professionals and parents to access this book as possible!
Trust me, the simplest and smallest adjustments can make a very big difference to a young persons life. I am giving you as much diverse knowledge as possible in this book, whilst also making sure I’ve covered the fundamental basics.
Here’s the contents pages to give you an idea of the content that is in the book: NLP4Kids book: contents pages
Here are a few words about the book from Kay Gill, the original master mind behind NLP4Kids…
This is the book that helps parents and professionals create better mental health and well-being in children & young people, without over-complicating the solutions. It is the tip of the iceberg when it come to the knowledge that Gemma and the NLP4Kids practitioners have to offer.
As you read it you will become giddy with the passion she has towards her work. You will be humbled by the simplicity of the ideas and above all, you will realise that whilst ‘mental health and well-being’ are not sexy terms, there is a growing need within our society to provide more education in these areas for young people and those who work with them. Simultaneously you will become conscious of the unmistakable set of skills that NLP4Kids practitioners have at their disposal to help our young people develop healthy minds.
Kay Gill
Co-founder of NLP4Kids
I’ve known Gemma for about 5 years and have found her knowledge and expertise really important. As someone who works with businesses in the children’s activities industry and for myself as a parent of 3; I have learnt so much from her.
I have recommend all the 20,000 children’s activity practitioners on my database to buy her book, attend her events and sign up to her newsletters.
Stop Anxiety and Grow Confidence is a great resource for both professionals working with children and parents too.
Mark Rasche
Director – Sport & Kids Activity Professionals
Order your copy for £12.99 including FREE UK postage and packaging
Stop Anxiety and Grow Confidence