What To Do When The Fast Phobia Cure For Children, Isn’t Fast.

I recently met a teenager who had a fear of flying. His fear had become so intense that last year, as the entire family set off for a family holiday, he decided in the middle of the airport that he would not be getting on the plane. At[…]

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Therapeutic After School Clubs?

I recently posted on the NLP4Kids Facebook page about a very young person I had met aged 9 if I recall correctly, who attended an after school activity every night of the week, on a Saturday and a further 3 on Sundays. As ever, opinion on where this[…]

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Story Telling

I regularly work with children in my West London practice who face different worry inducing situations. In some cases they suffer from anxiety, in others, they have fear of failing, sometimes they lack the motivation to study and in some cases they don’t know how to face up[…]

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A Normal Day at the Office…

I just finished working with a 14 year old with learning difficulties. He is in a new family as he was adopted at 2 years old following physical abuse from his real parents and possible sexual abuse. He suffered a non accidental injury to his eye and is[…]

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