Making Decisions

I used to employ a specific technique during the NLP4Kids discovery days, and I want to share that same example with you today. It’s interesting because just the other day, I was contemplating decision-making strategies and it reminded me of this technique. However, I couldn’t recall all the[…]

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Areas Covered:

Is it ADHD or Anxiety: Part Two

Last month, we focused on the striking similarities between ADHD and Anxiety in our article. This month, I wanted to delve deeper into this vast topic. At my therapy clinic, I work extensively with both children and parents, providing them with support and strategies to cope with anxiety[…]

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Our Resilient Family

I’m going to share with you a valuable tip on how to teach your young ones to be more resilient and to help them become braver, tougher, and stronger in challenging situations. Growing up, I had the privilege of spending a lot of time with my grandparents, who[…]

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Areas Covered:

Easing the School Transition for Children and Teens

The transition to a new school can be an anxious and overwhelming experience for both students and their parents. Whether it’s moving from Infant to Junior School, Primary School to Secondary School, or even relocating to a  new town or country, change can be challenging. However, with careful planning, understanding,[…]

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Areas Covered:

5 Tips For Coping With Back To School Anxiety

We are currently living in unprecedented times and it is incredible to think about what our children are experiencing when we often struggle to process it ourselves as adults! With the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to predict what the future will look[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Young People: How to Change Your Behaviour

Wouldn’t it be easier to change the way you behave if you had a bit of support in doing so? The problem is to know how to ask for it. Often we get too fixed on the behaviour we want to avoid and then miss the opportunities to[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Young People: Using Anger for Positive Power

We often think of anger as purely a negative emotion that exists only to cause disruption and damage. However anger is a great source of power and energy. It’s only really a problem if you a) get angry too much or b) don’t know how to calm yourself[…]

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Areas Covered:

Parents and Professionals: Problem Spotting vs Problem Solving

Your house is on fire. Do you first figure out the source of the fire and then run, or do you just run? I guess that may depend upon how bad the fire is but I see a lot of cases of diagnosing where we could instead be[…]

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Children & Young People: Accepting Others

The commonly used word for accepting others is tolerance. Sometimes our tolerance is challenged when we have to share our space on the planet with others who are just like us on the inside, but who look differently, think differently and behave differently. Interestingly our brains are wired[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Young People: How to Feel Good About Being Unique

Why is it that sometimes we want to connect with others and at other times you want to be one of a kind? Is there a reason for this too and fro between wanting to be unique and wanting to connect? Yes, it turns out, it’s a natural[…]

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