Tag: nlp4kids
Break The Rules And Have Fun!
I often talk to parents in my Hertfordshire therapy space and professionals in Hertfordshire schools about creativity and rules. I personally think that there is a fine and interesting balance to be had between creativity and following the rules. But why am I thinking about this today? Well,[…]
Read moreThe Benefits of Scheduling: Children and Young People
If you are (or know of) a young person who is feeling: Overwhelmed Is struggling to prioritise Forgets important things Sets unrealistic expectations on their time Procrastinates Then they require a schedule! Particularly when young people begin to juggle their time between revision, exams, a more active social[…]
Read moreChoice Theory – Does It Work?
Today I’m going to be talking to you about something called ‘Choice Theory’; you may have come across this before and I just want to give you a little refresher around it. I won’t be going into tons and tons of detail but I think reminding ourselves that[…]
Read moreGetting Annoyed (and how to avoid it) – Children and Young People
Feelings of annoyance can really zap your energy and positivity. Worst of all, it’s a massive waste of time to feel that way! In this video I share with you 3 tips for overcoming the feelings of being annoyed, The most important, in my opinion, is that the[…]
Read moreStop What You’re Doing And Step Back
I am going to be asking you to do something that you might not want to do: I’m going to be asking you to stop what you are doing and take a step back. What I am really talking about here is something that’s quite difficult to describe[…]
Read moreStop Holding a Grudge – Children and Young People
“Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.” Basically, holding a grudge is only going to harm you, use up your energy and your concentration that you could be spending on far better things. In this video, I’ll share with you[…]
Read moreRest: Why Children Need It
As we approach the new school term here in Hertfordshire there is something I see happening amongst parents and professionals, and that is we’re building up to this sense of getting ready to go out and do things full-steam, hard-hitting with as many different activities as we possibly[…]
Read moreStop Comparing Yourself – Children and Young People
If you’ve noticed yourself comparing yourself to others, and noticed how it makes you feel bad, there are a few things you might want to consider doing. Comparing yourself to others might at times make you feel good – or smug – when you realise that you are[…]
Read moreHow to Stop Children Growing Up Too Fast: Parents and Professionals
Here are 8 top tips about how to let the children you care about make the most of their childhood and avoid somersaulting into the adult world too soon and the effects it can have if we do not proactively help children being over-exposed to adult content, material[…]
Read moreReducing Pressure
I often talk to parents, professionals in Hertfordshire about why it’s so important that you take the pressure off yourselves and take the pressure off of the young people that you are working with. Welcome to the modern Western world where you are constantly in a state of[…]
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