Day Two of Alfie’s Work Experience

Alfie (who is 10 years old) has joined the NLP4Kids office for a second day of work experience. He was banned from bringing his iPod and has been given real responsibilities within the organisation. He has received the same feedback as any other member of staff whether his[…]

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Alfie’s Work Experience!!!!!!

My cousin Alfie who is 10 years old has been spending some time with us at People Building and NLP4Kids. He wanted to let you know how his work experience went today so here is his blog for you to read: When I heard that Gemma wanted me[…]

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Getting Kids Active

Whether it’s sports, arts, music or education there has to be a well thought through strategy to engage young people into that activity. Simply believing that you have a great activity that serves them in a positive way is not enough.  Not by a long shot. In the[…]

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Our famous NLP4Kids Author

We are extremely proud to share with you that one of our superbly talented NLP4Kids practitioners has released her 4th book. Debbie K, based in Berkshire is the author of the Feelings Basket series, written for children between 5 – 8 years of age. The books provide support[…]

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5 Ways of Increasing Positive Attitudes in Children

The current environment we live in presents us with lots of negative and challenging situations. Knowing that life can be overwhelming, putting a positive slant on our daily activities or tasks can make life more enjoyable and manageable. If we instil a positive attitude in our children they[…]

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NLP4Kids & Hertfordshire Youth Connections

Today I was very pleased to be speaking at a school in st Albans, alongside Hertfordshire Youth Connections. I was invited to join them as they are raising awareness of mental health and well being directly with young people. At NLP4Kids we frequently work with young people experiencing[…]

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What To Do When The Fast Phobia Cure For Children, Isn’t Fast.

I recently met a teenager who had a fear of flying. His fear had become so intense that last year, as the entire family set off for a family holiday, he decided in the middle of the airport that he would not be getting on the plane. At[…]

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Why NLP4Kids Makes Money *and* Makes a Difference

At our children’s franchise discovery days ( I am often questioned about why I think it’s ok to make money from the kind of work that we do. Surely we should not be making money from the suffering of children? Surely we should be a charity?! I have[…]

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Does the second week back to school unleash the “Steaming Feeling”?

I’ve seen a variety of children this week, with different life experiences, different ages and with very different parents, however there have been two thing in common with all of them, it’s been the second week back at school and they’ve all displayed various levels of what I[…]

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