Easing the School Transition for Children and Teens

The transition to a new school can be an anxious and overwhelming experience for both students and their parents. Whether it’s moving from Infant to Junior School, Primary School to Secondary School, or even relocating to a  new town or country, change can be challenging. However, with careful planning, understanding,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Being Anxious or having Anxiety are the same right?

The difference between being anxious and having an anxiety disorder can be confused in today’s world. The term ‘I’ve got anxiety’ may actually mean you are feeling an instance of being anxious – they are two similar things but not the same. The term should not be used[…]

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Areas Covered:

Child Anger

As a parent, it can be challenging to witness your child express anger, frustration, or other strong emotions. It’s natural to want to soothe and calm them, but it’s important to understand that anger is a natural human emotion, and it’s important for children to learn how to[…]

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Areas Covered:

5 Tips For Coping With Back To School Anxiety

We are currently living in unprecedented times and it is incredible to think about what our children are experiencing when we often struggle to process it ourselves as adults! With the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to predict what the future will look[…]

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Areas Covered:

Helping Refugee Children to Adjust

Imagine seeing the place you once called home destroyed. Your friends and family, terrified, injured or killed and being told that the only chance you have to survive is to flee. Then you land here, in this new country with a different language, rules, history, and education system,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Improving Independence in Children

Is your child independent in their learning? Do they take responsibility for thinking about themselves? Many pupils would benefit further from taking more authority in their learning. For these pupils we want to help them to develop a greater sense of independence in challenging themselves. The overall goal[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Benefits of Helping Withdrawn Children

Parents have remarked how their children hold back from expressing themselves in school but will frequently complain about a variety of situations related to school when they get home. Children can express extreme shyness and social issues in school. This manifests itself as: Refusing to ask permission to[…]

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No Failing, Only Feedback

Some children are just not equipped to deal with failure. This can lead to a pattern where they expect to fail, then they actually fail and then they suddenly become fearful in failing again which then prevents them from trying. This pattern of behaviour affects them in many[…]

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Welcome to the NLP4Kids Team- Tamsin Moore-Jones

NLP4Kids are delighted to announce a new member to the NLP4Kids team. Tamsin Moore-Jones, from Peterborough, is our newest NLP4Kids Practitioner. Tamsin offers a safe nurturing space and positive support for children and families dealing with both the day to day hurdles and more complex struggles we all[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Tackle Bullying

Unfortunately, all schools have some form of bullying incidents occuring within their school. Bullying can occur verbally, physically or emotionally. The Department of education once stated that at any one given time at least 20% of the school population can be affected by bullying. This is quite high[…]

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