Tag: childrens franchise
The Beetle in Your Shoe: Parents and Professionals
Sometimes we know what the problem is but are just too tired or distracted by other things to be able to do anything much about it. The problem with putting things off (and hoping eventually they’ll just sort themselves out) is that it is costing you more energy[…]
Read moreHow to Stop Children Growing Up Too Fast: Parents and Professionals
Here are 8 top tips about how to let the children you care about make the most of their childhood and avoid somersaulting into the adult world too soon and the effects it can have if we do not proactively help children being over-exposed to adult content, material[…]
Read moreWe Are Winners!
On 16th October 2014 at Google Campus London, NLP4Kids was awarded a highly commended award from Mum & Working for the best use of technology in a family friendly Business. And here it is: Well done to us!
Read more7 Lucky Steps To the Finals in The National Mum & Working Awards
Typically I am not a superstitious person. I don’t get caught up in “magical thinking” and yet having found out that we have made the finals for the Mum and Working Awards, I felt compelled to ask you to send us some good luck. Then I remembered the[…]
Read moreBehaviour Frameworks for Children and Teenagers
I read somewhere that children who are disciplined feel more loved and that clear behaviour frameworks improve children’s mental health. It can be difficult to believe that sometimes when all they seem to want to do is push the boundaries! Whether they are toddlers or teenagers there is[…]
Read moreWhy NLP4Kids Makes Money *and* Makes a Difference
At our children’s franchise discovery days (www.NLP4Kids.org/join-the-team) I am often questioned about why I think it’s ok to make money from the kind of work that we do. Surely we should not be making money from the suffering of children? Surely we should be a charity?! I have[…]
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