Tag: hertfordshire
When Education Isn’t Enough
I often see parents at my private therapy practice in Hertfordshire and we often look at the values of a ‘good parent’. I get the pair to brainstorm ideas about what key things a parent should do or provide in order to be classed as a ‘good parent’.[…]
Read moreBehaviour or Anxiety: How to Spot The Difference
In my Hertfordshire clinic, I use my basement to deliver training for some of the NLP4Kids practitioners and I also deliver training to young people under my not-for-profit organisation Superheroes. The workshops that I’m at delivering at the moment are for young people who have issues around anxiety[…]
Read moreStop Being Flaky – A How To Guide For Parents and Professionals
We all know that some parents and professionals end up being flaky, but I want to share with you some of the reasons why I think it happens. The challenge with this subject area is that there is a balancing act going on between the desire to gain[…]
Read moreProblem Spotting VS Problem Solving
I see a lot of parents and their children at my Hertfordshire therapy space and here’s what I’ve noticed: sometimes children and young people have problems. Sometimes there are issues with their behaviour, sometimes there are issues with their emotional well-being, sometimes there are issues with their health[…]
Read moreJust Say NO!
Sometimes I’m in agreement with children that they need to have access to information: like knowing why they aren’t allowed to do or have something, why they may be disciplined, what your reasoning is behind the decisions that you make (particularly if it affects them) and why it[…]
Read moreHow to Deal with Hate on Social Media (Part 2)
In addition to becoming more resilient so that you can see those comments and let them slide, there is another serious thing for you to consider. And that is simply blocking the people who made the comments. By responding to hateful comments you are giving that person your[…]
Read moreHow to Deal with Hate on Social Media (Part 1)
An increasing issue that I am helping young people manage when they come to see me in my Hertfordshire NLP4Kids therapy space is how to manage negativity on social media. Now, I’m not going to say that social media is a bad thing – I depend on it[…]
Read moreStop Your Anxiety (Part 2)
3) If you are someone, like me, who is highly visual, then you will be good at making up scenes in your mind. It may be that you have a super overactive imagination. A wonderful imagination can be a brilliant thing – providing that you put it to[…]
Read moreStop Your Anxiety (Part 1)
I wanted to share with you three simple things that can help you to combat anxiety. Now, I know that anxiety is an issue that causes problems for many people, not just young people but adults too. What I’m going to share with you today isn’t necessarily going[…]
Read moreHow To Take Responsibility for Your Emotions
Through my work at my Hertfordshire Therapy Clinic I’ve noticed a regularly occurring issue amongst teenagers: being able to take responsibility for their emotions. What I’ve noticed with a lot of the young people that I have been working with through NLP4Kids seem to have this idea that[…]
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