We Will Not Talk About Mental Health In India (even if it kills us)

Since my trip to India to launch the NLP4Kids franchise in this beautiful, diverse country, I have faced some heavy criticism from the country’s natives regarding the likelihood of successfully providing our coaching and mental wellbeing services to the nations young people. It appears that when it comes[…]

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The Overcome Anxiety Programme

Gemma Bailey is the presenter and creator of the Overcome Anxiety Programme with NLP4Kids. She has an extensive background in working with children and young people and several successful companies in the Psychological Services industry. One is People Building which is a personal development franchise that provides training[…]

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A Guide to Family Wellbeing During The Festive Period

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness, but it can also bring about stress and challenges for families. As a child and teen therapist at Child Therapy Telford, I specialise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I’m here to share some practical tips and strategies to help[…]

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Get Your Friends to Make Up: Children and Young People

When your friendship group breaks up, leaving you in the middle, it can be a difficult situation to manage. You might feel as if you are loyal to one and not the other or find yourself listening to them complaining about the other time and again. It would[…]

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Stop it With The Labels!

We need to be a little bit careful with our labelling and I’m not talking about avoiding labelling problems that exist, I’m talking about how, when a label has been applied it’s very easy to start fulfilling that role unconsciously. I’m talking about both you as a parent[…]

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How to Get Motivated: Children and Young People

Motivation might be something that you only experience when doing the things you want to do. So how do you motivate yourself to do the things you do not want to do? Is it even possible The good news is that by learning the strategies required to motivate[…]

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3 Quick Anxiety Fixes: Children and Young People

Whilst the real fix for anxiety may involve learning some strategies and putting them into action over a few weeks to see the long-term results (such as the NLP4Kids overcome anxiety 10-week programme www.mychildhasanxiety.com), there are some things you can do to help you feel better quickly. These[…]

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Take Control & Responsibility: Children and Young People

It might seem strange to think that taking responsibility would feel good. After all, who wants to do anything more than they have to?! But the reality is that when you are more responsible you have a greater sense of control and feel more powerful. Sometimes people confuse[…]

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3 Ways to Face Your Fears: Children and Young People

This video will tell you about 3 NLP4Kids strategies that you can use to overcome fears and worries. The first one is called visual rehearsal. Visual rehearsal is when you imagine situations in your mind that may have happened in the past, could happen in the future or[…]

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Stop Worrying About What Other People Think: Children and Young People

When you worry about what other people think those thoughts can take over and become a real drain on your energy. Knowing that other people probably aren’t thinking of you negatively nearly as much as you think they are isn’t always enough to stop your brain from getting[…]

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