The Benefits of Helping Withdrawn Children

Parents have remarked how their children hold back from expressing themselves in school but will frequently complain about a variety of situations related to school when they get home. Children can express extreme shyness and social issues in school. This manifests itself as: Refusing to ask permission to[…]

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Areas Covered:

3 Essential Self-Care Practices for Children

  As we grow through life we are naturally expected to take on more responsibilities. However, incorporating additional tasks on a daily or even weekly basis can result in added stress. Children and adolescents are not immune to stressors either, which is crucial to acknowledge because these are[…]

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Areas Covered:

No Failing, Only Feedback

Some children are just not equipped to deal with failure. This can lead to a pattern where they expect to fail, then they actually fail and then they suddenly become fearful in failing again which then prevents them from trying. This pattern of behaviour affects them in many[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Tackle Bullying

Unfortunately, all schools have some form of bullying incidents occuring within their school. Bullying can occur verbally, physically or emotionally. The Department of education once stated that at any one given time at least 20% of the school population can be affected by bullying. This is quite high[…]

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Areas Covered:

Helping Children in PRUs

One of our practitioners recently worked in a boys school where a certain number of boys in the school had anger and mental health issues which had caused significant disruption in their lives. This resulted in them changing schools, engaging with social services or youth offending teams. The[…]

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Areas Covered:

Why Children Must Learn Communication Skills

Communication skills impact upon a child’s ability to listen, understand and express themselves. These skills are fundamental to problem solving and maintaining relationships. It has a big impact on their future and the quality of their life. Of course learning vocabulary and sentence structure is important but having[…]

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Areas Covered:

Coping Strategies for Disadvantaged Children

Children are not equipped to deal with certain situations which may occur at home, or at school which often result in anxiety and behavioural problems. These are mainly caused by poor coping strategies in reaction to their circumstances at home, or in some cases caused by their own[…]

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Areas Covered:

Parents & Professionals: Just Say No!

Are you afraid to say no? Whilst it is often a child’s least favourite word to hear, the word ‘no’ can let them know that you care enough to boundaries in place. However, some wise young people have learned that if they push enough, they may wear out[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Teenagers: How To Make A Decision

  Do you find it difficult to distinguish a good idea from a bad one? Using the ecology map can be a good way to think about the impact, outcomes and consequences of what you do, before you do it. It may encourage you to go for it[…]

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Areas Covered:

Challenging Behaviour

The most challenging issue that a parent seems to faced is a child with a challenging behaviour. In boys, this will generally come in the form of fighting, anger and frustration, low levels of resilience, poor attendance at school and children feeling over burdened and under pressure whether[…]

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