When Mum Leaves Dad….

Separation of a child’s parents can be a traumatic experience in any child’s life. The child can feel as if their world has been turned upside down. However, if effectively managed, this traumatic experience could be diluted to being another change in the child’s life- yet still significant.[…]

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Areas Covered:

Preparing Children for Divorce

I remember reading on the back of a smoothy drink “Contents may separate, but mummy and daddy both still love you very much.” I thought it was funny and I also thought about the importance of how to explain changes in family life to children. It seems to[…]

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Welcome to the NLP4Kids Team- Mark Broom

Mark helps children and young people to realise their true capabilities and teach them techniques that help to prepare them for the future challenges that lie ahead. In doing so he gives them the skills to be ready to face life’s problems head on and overcome obstacles that[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Maintain Connections as an Absent Parent

The key thing in this article is that despite being an absent parent, you are one who wants to develop or maintain a connection to your children. Having the will to make it work in spite of the challenges this presents is the key. How specifically you will[…]

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Areas Covered:

Calming a Child with ADHD

ADHD is made up of two key challenging disorders. Attention deficit and hyperactivity. Both of these disorders can exist without the other, meaning that someone can have attention deficit without being hyperactive or they can be hyperactive without attention deficit. A few years ago, I was approached by[…]

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Areas Covered:

Resolving Friendship Problems in the Classroom

As we have known for sometime, it can be a challenge to focus on our work when we have other emotional problems that we are simultaneously attempting to resolve in our minds. There is only a small number of things we can do at the same time and[…]

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Areas Covered:

Deprived Communities

Every year the UK government publishes the data about pupil premium. Pupil premium is given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment levels of the most disadvantaged children. The additional funding is used to help provide these pupils with additional support that can help them[…]

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Areas Covered:

Creating Motivation to Change in Teenagers

Once upon a time there was a lovely communicative child who had a great desire to please their parents and enjoyed playing with their younger siblings. One night they went to bed and when they woke up the next morning, to the parents horror, the child had turned[…]

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Areas Covered:

Increasing Learning engagement

Typically, pupils who are from ethnic minority backgrounds, have English as a second language or who receive free school meals are disadvantaged economically and do less well academically. Schools across the UK want to help increase learning engagement within the classroom. Whilst most of their pupils on the[…]

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Areas Covered:

National story telling

For me, the art of decent book writing comes down to three main things: Attention to sensory detail Apprehension/uncertainty Relief/humour Last year I had an article published about effective story telling and ultimately how if you can tell a story well, it really can bring even a poor[…]

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