Tag: nlp4kids
Has Your School Rejected £7,500 of Funding?
In recent months, NLP4Kids has set up a not-for-profit branch to the company. This has allowed us to begin to access funding to deliver our services to schools, without the schools having to pay for it. You’d have thought they would be biting off our hand to get[…]
Read moreAdopting Older Children
Every child is made by two parents, whether they come to know and like those people or not. Within this two parent rule, implies that every child has access to a family, yet that is sadly not the case for all children. Due to a multitude of differing[…]
Read moreGetting Well Soon
This is a tricky subject to write about, as it is an area where I have no direct experience. So this article is indented to reach all of the children who would most benefit from reading it, and perhaps too for the parents of unwell children who want[…]
Read moreWhy Talking Therapies Are So Important For Teenagers
I love my teenage son but, boy, he can be really moody and completely non-communicative (when he feels like it!). He comes home from school and goes straight upstairs to talk to his friends on skype. At best, I get a “can I have something to eat and[…]
Read moreImproving Confidence After Bullying
Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by repeated words or actions, feels bad because of it and has a hard time stopping what is happening to them. Bullying can take many forms and result in low self esteem and confidence, lower school grades, withdrawal, anxiety, rage[…]
Read more5 Ways To Calm Disruptive Children in Schools
When kids realise that someone is rooting for them and you hold to your beliefs…because you KNOW that they can…you carry that belief and ‘act as if’ because…one day they too will begin to believe and they will …because they can! KEY STATISTICS ▪ One in Four (26%)[…]
Read more5 Tips for Resolving Battles with Teens Over Study and Exams
• Do you have a teen who is reluctant to do any study? • Has homework, revision and exams become a battle ground for your family? • Have they already labelled themselves a failure and so don’t see the point? In this article I’ll share with you some[…]
Read moreThe Children Who Control Their Parents…
“‘I can’t believe you let them control you like that.’ They were the last words my mum said to me before I walked out last week.” My new client, Emma, continued to tell her story. “I was so angry with her, how dare she say those things to[…]
Read moreUtilising Learning Styles To Increase A Child’s Potential
This article is not about any particular panacea for developing potential in children. It is about understanding how ‘learning styles’ can help raise awareness in children as one in a number of processes of HOW they learn. When I was young, my parents used to look at me[…]
Read moreCatching Up – Stimulating Children with Global Developmental Delay
The first thing you probably asked yourself when you read the title is ‘What is Global Development Delay (GDD)? I’ve never heard of it.’ The second thing you probably thought was ‘Oh my, that sounds bad.’ Or ‘Oh my, that sounds interesting.’ The third thing you probably did[…]
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