The Power of A Post It Note…

The power of a Post-it note! and necessary interrupt Recently I found a yellow sticky post-it note handwritten by my 11-year-old daughter which had been planted in my pencil case …. yes I still use a pencil case! And unashamedly it comes with a strict rule – hands[…]

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Bad Influence Friendships: Parents & Professionals

Have you heard of the saying “what you resist persists?” The same rule applies when you attempt to dissuade a young person from forging friendships with those you disapprove of. The more you try to convince them that this friend is a bad influence, the more you will[…]

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Movement for Meaning: Parents & Professionals

In order to get a message to sink in, you need to back it up with more than just more words. You will likely need some physical movement and energy to demonstrate that you are fully engaged and committed to seeing through what you are saying.  But what[…]

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Areas Covered:

Is it ADHD or Anxiety?: Parents & Professionals

Is there an overlap between the symptoms of ADHD and anxiety? If so, what is it and how can you tell the difference? This video explores 3 ways in which ADHD and anxiety can overlap and crucially, what you need to do about it. Make sure you check[…]

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The Secret to Developing Resilience – Part 1: Parents & Professionals

In this two-part video, following an NLP4Kids event, I share half of the tips we generated for developing resilience in a child or young person. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in part 1: Responsibility – Developing responsibility creates an internal strength and faith that challenges can be[…]

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Developing Respect: Parents & Professionals

Before requesting respect, your young people need to know that your definitions of the word are aligned. For many children, the word ‘respect’ may be used to request that they follow instructions without challenge or that they agree with someone and neither of these are good examples of[…]

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How to Stop Children Growing Up Too Fast: Parents and Professionals

Here are 8 top tips about how to let the children you care about make the most of their childhood and avoid somersaulting into the adult world too soon and the effects it can have if we do not proactively help children being over-exposed to adult content, material[…]

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The Tale of The Boy, The New School Year and The Level Headed Mum.

  It’s the eve of ‘return to school’ and my son is starting Year 2! He has without a doubt had a brilliant summer, although if you were to ask him he would just say it’s been ‘boring’ and do a kind of roll of the eye face[…]

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