Ways to Help Children With Fybromyalgia Feel Valued

Fibromyalgia is a condition of chronic pain. This pain is experienced throughout the body both in the muscles and in the bones, Suffers often feel alone and sad. Suffers of this condition often show anger upon their condition. There is no known cause of this condition. Doctors often only treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the condition.Fibromyalgia and psychological issues:

Fibromyalgia not only affect the patient physically but there are many psychological problems that patient face. Most common mental disorders are chronic stress and fatigue, anxiety and depression. Patients with fibromyalgia show some behavioral disorders too which can directly affect their children. For example, fibromyalgia patients often suffer from chronic pain which gives them anxiety and depression. This condition then leads to anger and rude behavior with the family or children.

What do children feel about their parents with fibromyalgia?

These patients feel fatigue and stress most of the time which results in anger, anxiety and idleness. They can’t do their daily routine household chores properly and can’t help actively their children in their school and home activities. Children of these patients often feel depressed, stressed and neglected. They feel a sense of anger about their parent’s condition. Children often compare their parents with their friend’s parents. They feel that there is something wrong about the appearance of their parents. It is natural that children want their parents to look young and active. They want them to play with them. But unfortunately, fibromyalgia patients can’t take part in such activities. They can’t enjoy a happy and active life with their children which results in agony and low self esteem for the children and parents as well. Children find other ways to express anger on their parent’s behavior. Fibromyalgia can cause a feeling of depression in the whole family members. Children usually get affected by this condition the most.

5 Things Your Child Needs to know

• Children should understand the symptoms of the condition so they feel they are not responsible for the condition.
• It should be explained to the child which activates will trigger the condition.
• It should be explained to the child activates both the child and the parent can do without triggering the condition.
• Children should be told what to do to help when the parent is experiencing the symptoms.
• Children should understand their parents love them a lot, it is only due to chronic pain they are showing anger and anxiety.

How NLP can help the child:

• Neuro-linguistic programming can help both the parent and the children with managing fibromyalgia.
• Symptoms of fibromyalgia can be explained to a child using the Dreamweaver process. Using metaphors in a story.
• NLP may use perceptional positioning technique to let the child express their perception about his parent’s condition and then help him alter his negative thoughts to positive ones.
• Children can ease the feelings of depression, anxiety and tension they may experience as a result of seeing their parent with this condition. NLP therapies are very effective to change the negative behave of children about their parents.

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2 comments on “Ways to Help Children With Fybromyalgia Feel Valued

  1. I would like to second everything that Chimene has said.
    I would also like to invite you to tell us more about some specifics and in particular I’m interested to hear more about the Dream Weaver process as I haven’t heard of it before.
    Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Hi Joey. I know little about this condition and was interested to see how NLP could help with it. Your article was well structured but just a few minor points – I assume English is not your first language? In which case this was well written but for future reference (as someone who teaches people English grammar)check your verb endings in the first para – some of them need an ‘s’ on the end for third person – vary sentence lengths a little in the middle of the piece as they are all quite short and the effect is a little ‘staccato’; and I think in Para 5 you mean ‘activities’ for parents and children to do. It might also be valuable for you to give a brief explanation of techniques like ‘perceptual positioning’ as non-practitioners will probably read this and wonder what that is! All the best, Gill W