NLP4Kids Blog
The current environment we live in presents us with lots of negative and challenging situations. Knowing that life can be overwhelming, putting a positive slant on our daily activities or tasks can make life more enjoyable and manageable. If we instil a positive attitude in our children they[…]
Read MoreIncreasing Self Esteem in Teenagers Using NLP “Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.” – Louise Hart, Community Psychologist It’s a difficult time being a teenager in this day and age. Teenagers[…]
Read MoreUnlike mine and my parents younger years, today we have much more efficient therapies available for people in need of emotional guidance and coaching and we really are at a new era of understanding ourselves on a deeper level, both consciously and unconsciously. With a lot of teenagers[…]
Read MoreI was sat one day in a GP surgery, waiting to be seen by Dr Will. C.U. Now. I watched a young child sitting next to his mother as he whispered something into her ear. The mother smiled and nodded to her young son, and he bounced out[…]
Read MoreEvery child is different. In NLP terms, every child has a different map of the world. Which is why traditional teaching methods don’t always engage everybody in the same way, and why national scales and achievement targets are not always helpful since children learn and develop at different[…]
Read MoreYou are amongst a group of aliens who don’t seem to understand you and you often find it a challenge to express yourself sufficiently in order to communicate with them. Your mind twirls with vivid images of gigantic numbers playfully morphing into even more gigantic sums and it[…]
Read MoreThe wrong jam on toast… The wrong response …. The laugh at the wrong time … The raised voice … Not enough sleep last night … Hormones … And a million other things are potential reasons for anyone to be angry. Being told to calm down can be[…]
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