Learning to Like Healthy Food: Children and Young People

If you are a sugar addict or you know that you are not eating as much healthy stuff as you should do, this video is for you. The very first thing you need to do if you want to begin enjoying healthier foods is to change your attitude[…]

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Creating Responsible Attitudes: Parents & Professionals

In this video, I’m sharing a strategy that we use at NLP4Kids to get young people to feel empowered to take more responsibility. It’s extremely simple but all of the steps are important to do to ensure it works effectively.  The key thing to remember is that if[…]

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Under Pressure: Parents & Professionals

A few days ago the UK government released a white paper detailing their goals to help more primary aged children meet the expected standards in Education. This has lead many to ask the question: How do we improve standards with our increasing the levels of pressure and stress[…]

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Dealing with Body Image Issues: Children and Young People

 If you are unhappy with the way you look to a point where it impacts upon how you feel or causes you to think negatively about yourself, there are a few important things that can really help.  Firstly, the quickest and easiest way to change your body[…]

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How to Handle Resistance to Resolution: Parents & Professionals

I have 3 tips to dealing with resistance to resolution. Resistance to resolution is when a young person is not compliant with the ideas or strategies you offer that would obviously make their lives better! Sometimes this happens not because the young person is resistant to improving themselves[…]

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Logical Levels: Children and Young People

Find out the different places where a problem might be lurking and learn the important questions to help you discover where it is so that you can get rid of it! The Logical Levels is a framework for thinking used in NLP. Here I will describe how you[…]

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Creative Problem Solving: Children and Young People

This is one of my favourite subjects to talk about! When your brain gets stuck and is struggling to find a way forward there are ways to unmuddle the muddle you are in.  It’s important to strip back the information you do not need and to begin by[…]

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Dealing with Repetitive Behaviours and OCD Tendencies: Parents and Professionals

Here are 9 tips for helping a young person who has some obsessive or repetitive tendencies in how they behave. Whilst this is not a video specifically for OCD, it may still have some benefits. Often we use the term OCD without a diagnosis and to describe repetitive[…]

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Taking Charge of Your Brain: Children and Young People

I’m talking here about how to take full responsibility for how you think in your brain. This is important to do because it will help you to become more in control of how you think. Remember your thoughts and feelings are connected to each other.  This is the[…]

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Are You a NEEDY Friend?: Children and Young People

Some friendships can go a little out of balance resulting in you feeling as if you need your friends more than they need you. Part of the challenge when this happens is to avoid making things worse by trying too hard and appearing needy.  We tend to have[…]

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