NLP4Teachers – Surrey, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Reading, Berkshire
January 15, 2012 / / 3 Comments / News / "children and divorce", "Communication Skills", "concentration", "Fears and Phobias", "Hertfordshire", "London", "NLP practitioner training", "therapy for young people", Bedfordshire, Behaviour, Birmingham, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, child therapist, child therapy, communication skills, concentration, Essex, exam results, Exam Stress, hertfordshire, Hong Kong, Improve Confidence, Low Self Esteem, Motivation, NLP for children, ofsted, presentation skills, school league tables, schools, Surrey, teachers, therapy for children, therapy for teenagers, workshops for children, Yorkshire
These are the faces of the people who will be going to your school and to the schools of your children. They will revolutionise the way teachers present and how information is delivered. They will improve pupils performance and the schools reputation.
Be ready for them.
This is the NLP4Teachers team – a brighter future begins today.
Look at them. They are great.
woop woop ! I’m basking in your reflected glory
Fantastic, well done another step in the right direction.