Welcome to the NLP4Kids Team- Mark Broom

Mark helps children and young people to realise their true capabilities and teach them techniques that help to prepare them for the future challenges that lie ahead. In doing so he gives them the skills to be ready to face life’s problems head on and overcome obstacles that might have previously knocked their confidence.

Mark has been working with children and young people since 2004, first as a play worker and then soon afterwards by providing his own activity sessions within the school holidays. This proved to be very successful indeed and it wasn’t long before he was asked by parents to offer mentoring and confidence building session with their children.

Mark believes this is due to his natural ability to connect with young people and to quickly reassure them that he is there to listen and take their perspective into consideration. Even the most disengaged young people look forward to their sessions with him and are happy to open up which is a skill that he is very proud to have developed.

Mark took the decision to work in schools that wanted to provide mentoring to pupils who needed support, guidance and advice on all manor of topics including confidence issues, self esteem, parents divorce/separation, anger and resilience, to name just a few.

At this level he was already seeing success in how he worked but to sharpen his own skills he qualified as an NLP4Kids practitioner and has have never looked back since. Mark is based on the Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire border and works with young people on a one-to-one basis.

Mark offers a free consultation session so that both parties can make sure they are happy to work together before proceeding- https://nlp4kids.org/practitioners/mark-broom/

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Mark all the best with his new adventure with me and the rest of the NLP4Kids team!


By Gemma Bailey

Director of NLP4Kids


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One comment on “Welcome to the NLP4Kids Team- Mark Broom

  1. Marianne Wheeler on said:

    Good afternoon

    I work at a local Junior School and have heard from Elaine Bridle about Mark Broome.
    I am the Mental Health Lead and would love if Mark would be able to join us at an information evening during Children’s Mental Health Week 3rd to 7th of February.
    I am sure there would be a lot of interest.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Mrs Wheeler.mwheeler@crabtreejm.herts.sch.uk