Category: Articles & Videos
Fibromyalgia is a condition of chronic pain. This pain is experienced throughout the body both in the muscles and in the bones, Suffers often feel alone and sad. Suffers of this condition often show anger upon their condition. There is no known cause of this condition. Doctors often[…]
Read MoreWhen your child moves on to University it is a time of transition for the whole family. For the young person it is a time when they move on to lead an independent life away from the family home and develop their own separate identity. For the parents[…]
Read MoreI read somewhere that children who are disciplined feel more loved and that clear behaviour frameworks improve children’s mental health. It can be difficult to believe that sometimes when all they seem to want to do is push the boundaries! Whether they are toddlers or teenagers there is[…]
Read MoreToday I was very pleased to be speaking at a school in st Albans, alongside Hertfordshire Youth Connections. I was invited to join them as they are raising awareness of mental health and well being directly with young people. At NLP4Kids we frequently work with young people experiencing[…]
Read MoreLet me begin by saying that my knowledge of Miley Cyrus and her music is extremely limited. I probably know more about Black Sabbath than I do about Miley Cyrus (and some would say this is no bad thing!). What I do know about her is that when[…]
Read MoreAt our children’s franchise discovery days ( I am often questioned about why I think it’s ok to make money from the kind of work that we do. Surely we should not be making money from the suffering of children? Surely we should be a charity?! I have[…]
Read MoreI’ve seen a variety of children this week, with different life experiences, different ages and with very different parents, however there have been two thing in common with all of them, it’s been the second week back at school and they’ve all displayed various levels of what I[…]
Read MoreHealthy self-esteem is like an armor of protection against the challenges we face in the outside world. Therefore, it’s especially important that we develop a positive self-image early on in life, specifically beginning during childhood. Children who are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and feel good about[…]
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