Soo Matthews
UK - North
• Online Only
If there is one thing I have learnt over the years it is that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to life’s issues!  Neuro-Linguistic Programming – NLP for short – has many tools to help us to communicate more effectively, overcome fears, phobias, anxiety, relationship issues and to help us fill the gaps left with positive stuff to build positive futures.
I offer 1-1 consultations for children and adults, family consultations, training for staff in how to use NLP techniques to manage pupil behaviour, training for parents, Hypnotherapy4Kids, workshops for schools. I specialise in working with children who find it difficult to understand and manage their emotions many of whom are on the autistic spectrum or have special needs statements for behaviour.
As a teacher I thoroughly enjoyed working with children, young adults, teachers and parents/carers for over 30 years.  I started my career as a Maths teacher (not many people’s favourite subject!) and worked my way up to being a headteacher in 2 different schools. In the second school I led the school through an Ofsted-style inspection to gain a grade of ‘Good with outstanding features’.
Between 2010 and 2015 I had the privilege of working in a specialist school for children with social, emotional and behaviour needs where all of the students had statements of special need and many were on the autistic spectrum. In my role as Assistant Headteacher (with responsibility for behaviour and therapeutic input) I further developed my skills in a wide range of therapeutic approaches that I know work with young people and their families. During this time I used NLP techniques extensively to help many students learn to build self-esteem and confidence, cope with their anger, shyness, anxiety and a wide range of other issues.
Often when a student was in ‘melt-down mode’ staff would call for me to assist and then ask afterwards what it was I had done so quickly to calm the student down so quickly and get them settled back into class. In a nutshell – I used my NLP techniques. It helps with better communication and understanding on both sides and the techniques are simple to remember and easy to use. I have run whole staff training for school staff about NLP and how using NLP skills can be very useful in their work with young people.
I love to learn and I love to travel and my greatest achievement so far was to trek to Base Camp Everest to celebrate my 50th birthday!
[Read Less]How Does Our Therapy Help Children and Young People?
We use a combination of safe and effective therapies with children and teenagers that help them learn how to control their thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Our practitioners are specialists in working with children using a form of therapy called NLP. This stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. "Neuro" relates to the brain and "linguistic" refers to language and how it is used inside the mind and out of the mouth! "Programming" describes the patterns and habits created, learnt and followed. Using NLP techniques and strategies, (which we have adapted to be fun, safe and easy for children and teenagers to use) we give young people the skills to think in new ways so that they feel in control [Read More]
We use a combination of safe and effective therapies with children and teenagers that help them learn how to control their thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Our practitioners are specialists in working with children using a form of therapy called NLP. This stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. "Neuro" relates to the brain and "linguistic" refers to language and how it is used inside the mind and out of the mouth! "Programming" describes the patterns and habits created, learnt and followed. Using NLP techniques and strategies, (which we have adapted to be fun, safe and easy for children and teenagers to use) we give young people the skills to think in new ways so that they feel in control and learn to understand the world from the perspective of others as well as their own. NLP is a cognitive form of therapy, with some parallels to CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy.) Our work is effective in helping children overcome bad habits, behaviour problems, fears and self esteem problems as well as many other challenges. (See the list below for more suggestions about the types of problems we can help with.)
In addition, our practitioners may have qualifications in other specialist therapies, such as EFT/TFT (tapping techniques), Coaching, Counselling and Hypnotherapy for children.
Hypnosis is perfectly safe for children because it is a relaxed state that they already utilise when learning, watching television or doing something creative. Some children will be able to experience a deep, eyes closed relaxing trance. Young children are usually more suited to an awakened trance. This is induced when playing games, colouring or whilst other activities that our Hypnotherapy4Kids practitioners have been trained to use. Our Hypnotherapists will notice the subtle shifts in your child’s levels of awareness so that they can begin to implant suggestions for change or improvement as soon as they see that an awakened trance is achieved.
The first step in helping your child is to contact a practitioner who is local to you. You can call them on the number above or complete the contact box below if you would like the practitioner to contact you. They will conduct a consultation with you, either over the phone or in person. Once they have understood the challenges your child is facing, they will invite you and your child to meet with them. If you decide to go ahead with some therapy or coaching sessions for your child, the therapist will advise you of the best course of action. Your therapist will give you feedback and advise to help you support your child and you will remain in full control of the number of sessions you book and how often. [Read Less]
Treatments Offered:
- anger management
- Anxiety
- behaviour issues
- Bullying
- coaching
- Communication Skills
- Concentration
- Confidence Building
- Exam Stress
- Fears and Phobias
- Learning Strategies
- Motivation
- relationship building
- Stress
- Stress and Anxiety
- stress management
Enter your details below and we'll call you back for a FREE phone consultation.
Areas Covered: Leeds, Bradford, Armley, Horsforth, Morley, Otley, Pudsey, Rothwell, Roundhay, Tingley, Wakefield, Wortley
Registered Office:
9 Brambling Mews
Leeds LS27 8GL
Telephone Number: 07851447612
Soo Matthews's Qualifications:
- 1984 - PGCE Post Graduate Certificate of Education
- 2005 NPQH National Professional Qualification of Headship
- 2009 NLP – Certified Practitioner
- 2010 Master Hypnotherapy
- 2010 Master NLP Coach
- 2010 Master Practitioner NLP
- 2010 Master Time Line Therapy
- 2010 NLP Coach
- 2010 Practitioner of Hypnosis
- 2010 Time Line Therapy Practitioner
- 2011 HANDLE Level 1 and Level 2 (Holistic Approaches to Neurodevelopmental Differences and Learning Experiences)
- 2012 ABT Music Therapy Training
- 2012 Hypnotherapy4Kids
- 2012 NLP4Kids
- 2012 NLP4Parents
- 2012 NLP4Teachers
- 2013 Child Protection designated person
- 2013 First Aid at Work training
- 2013 Hypnosis Masterclass
- 2013 Non Violent Communication Skills
- 2013 Thought Field Therapy (TFT Tapping)
- 2013 Thought Field Therapy advanced
- 2014 Havening Techniques
- 2014 Team-Teach training
- 2015 Child Psychology Level 4
- 2015 Diploma in CBT
I had always needed a light on when I went to bed. My friends all used to laugh at me when I went to stay at their house and needed the light on. Soo helped me overcome my fear of sleeping in the dark and I don’t need the light anymore. It was fun and easy to get rid of my fear of darkness.
I was struggling with my maths revision and Soo spent a Sunday morning helping me. She taught me how to keep things in my head and apply what I knew in different questions just by relaxing. Soo connected up the ideas with fun tips that made it easy to remember. I used it for my other GCSE subjects and the relaxation tips helped me cope with my GCSEs.
If it wasn’t for your support in the Summer I don’t know whether I would have passed my NQT year. I would like to confirm that I am now a fully qualified teacher having finished my NQT induction period. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So many people commented on the ‘different me’ and how confident I had become. I know it is down to your support and will be forever in your debt!