Three Anxiety Voices in Your Head: Children and Young People

Most of us are aware that there is often an internal dialogue – a chit chat that we have with ourselves that is commentating on our observations, experiences and emotions. That inner voice can sometimes make a bad situation worse by providing unnecessary dramatic interpretations and narration of[…]

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Areas Covered:

Humiliation Does Not Work: Parents & Professionals

When dealing with an overly confident, arrogant young person, it can be tempting to humble them by taking an opportunity to humiliate them and you may even feel justified in taking this action. If you think back on your own life experiences, you will likely remember a time[…]

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Help Young People Make Decisions: Parents & Professionals

As well as sharing a decision making strategy with you, we’ll be reflecting on NLP4Kids from seven years ago. Back in the pre-covid days, I used to run an even in London where I would do a demonstration of a decision making strategy to encourage people who were[…]

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Areas Covered:

Coping with Change: Children and Young People

As you brace for school transition (or any other kind of change) it can be unsettling and create a sense of uncertainty. We often think of uncertainty negatively, and yet it is a very important experience to help us grow. Growth rarely comes without uncertainty!  However, when change[…]

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Areas Covered:

The Dangers of Too Many Choices: Parents & Professionals

We know that when someone feels overwhelmed, they may be more likely to get anxious and feel under pressure. Whilst me might see having choices as advantageous, too many choices can definitely induce overwhelm. Have you heard of choice overload? This is when there are so many choices[…]

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Areas Covered:

How to Stop Holding a Grudge: Children and Young People

If only letting go and moving on was as easy as it sounds! Why is it sometimes we feel like we will make our point better or be more acknowledged if we make it known that we are dissatisfied with the outcome? This is often not the most[…]

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Areas Covered:

Stop it with The Labels!: Parents & Professionals

Since the birth of modern psychology in 1879, there have been more refined and accurate diagnosis of mental health difficulties and learning differences. As awareness of these have increase, so has casual labelling of traits that we recognise from the world of psychology.  However, having a label –[…]

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Areas Covered:

What’s Behind Your Anger?: Children and Young People

  Anger is filled with energy but there might be something else in there too. Whilst anger is considered to be a primary emotion, which results in secondary emotions such as sadness or guilt, there might be something else going on too. Sometimes children and young people use[…]

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Areas Covered:

Learning to Like Healthy Food: Children and Young People

If you are a sugar addict or you know that you are not eating as much healthy stuff as you should do, this video is for you. The very first thing you need to do if you want to begin enjoying healthier foods is to change your attitude[…]

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Creating Responsible Attitudes: Parents & Professionals

In this video, I’m sharing a strategy that we use at NLP4Kids to get young people to feel empowered to take more responsibility. It’s extremely simple but all of the steps are important to do to ensure it works effectively.  The key thing to remember is that if[…]

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