Oct 22 2018

Stop Being a Perfectionist: Children & Young People If everything needs to be ‘just so’ and perfect, you could be wearing yourself out unnecessarily. As I perfectionist myself, I would never tell you to ditch the skill completely, but if you are stressing yourself out with your perfectionism,[…]

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Oct 22 2018

Are young people being pushed to breaking point with too much pressure? Are you being pushed to breaking point with too much pressure?! In this video we explore the benefits of achieving more, by doing less. ———————————————***———————————————- SNAPCHAT – NLP4Kids Subscribe to my Channel here – http://www.youtube.com/NLP4Kids Facebook[…]

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Sep 21 2018

Why is it that sometimes we want to connect with others and at other times you want to be one of a kind? Is there a reason for this too and fro between wanting to be unique and wanting to connect? Yes, it turns out, it’s a natural[…]

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Sep 21 2018

How do you get the balance right between being a parent/professional working with children when it comes to friendship vs boundary setting? Does it cause any harm if you negotiate with children at their request instead of laying down the rules? Does it cause harm if you favour[…]

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Aug 17 2018

  As we grow through life we are naturally expected to take on more responsibilities. However, incorporating additional tasks on a daily or even weekly basis can result in added stress. Children and adolescents are not immune to stressors either, which is crucial to acknowledge because these are[…]

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Jul 30 2018

NLP4Kids are delighted to announce a new member to the NLP4Kids team. Tamsin Moore-Jones, from Peterborough, is our newest NLP4Kids Practitioner. Tamsin offers a safe nurturing space and positive support for children and families dealing with both the day to day hurdles and more complex struggles we all[…]

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