Category: Articles & Videos
Have you ever wondered if mental health problems could be, in some way, contagious? I’m sure you have noticed that your own possibly negative or even dysfunctional psychological state could be picked up from the young people that you interact with and at times it’s like a[…]
Read MoreWe are currently living in unprecedented times and it is incredible to think about what our children are experiencing when we often struggle to process it ourselves as adults! With the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to predict what the future will look[…]
Read MoreWhy is there a sullen, stand-offish, lanky human grunting in response to me where my happy, loving, cute and communicative child once stood? As a Mum to a teenager, I am sure I am experiencing the same challenges as many of you are facing too. You are not[…]
Read MoreI’d like to share with you how we use behaviour plans and boundary setting and to some extent, discipline to really change and improve the quality of interaction that we’re having with our young people alongside the NLP for children interventions we offer. I’m going to be using[…]
Read MoreI want to talk to you today about the label of slow learning. For some children, they do not keep up with their peers in aspect of their development and those children may be referred to as a slower learner or they may be given some other more[…]
Read MoreI am going to be asking you to do something that you might not want to do. I’m going to be asking you to stop what you are doing and take a step back. What I’m suggesting is quite hard to explain but it is to do with[…]
Read MoreSelf-reflection is the process of looking at how you are showing up in the world and how you are perceived by others. It gives you an opportunity to correct mistakes and to plan better ways of behaving in the future. However, if you are an over-thinker or serial[…]
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