Category: Articles & Videos
I recently worked with a little girl who had some worries about going to school. She was very young – around 5 years old and since going back in September the worries had resurfaced and manifested in shyness around speaking up to her teacher and asking when she[…]
Read MoreYou are communicating all the time, even when you are not physically speaking you are communicating. You can never not communicate; this is why learning good communication skills from a young age is vital in developing healthy relationships with people as you grow up and why we, in[…]
Read MoreStruggling to concentrate is a problem that most people face in their lifetime. Lack of concentration in children is so common, as a child it is harder to focus as your imagination is constantly on the go and unfortunately sometimes, what’s going on in a child’s mind will[…]
Read MoreThere is so much that horses can teach us about life. Horses have been described as “authenticity meters” and in my experience this is so true. They see beyond the mask that we put on and through to the real core of the person. They know when someone[…]
Read MoreI have for you, a one-off exciting invitation to interact with the NLP4Kids team and learn some brilliant skills to help you help others. On 16th August 2011, Olive Hickmott, specialist in numeracy and literacy problems, will be joining the NLP4Kids team for a very special training day,[…]
Read MoreShyness is a challenge for many young children, luckily it tends to get better with age, however here are a few ideas as to how you can start to improve your child’s confidence now. At NLP4Kids we frequently work with children experiencing confidence issues to reduce the negative[…]
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