NLP4Kids Blog
Do you remember being at school and hearing your teacher say something like: “Can you pay attention and stop looking at the ceiling!” (When a pupil is looking up) “You won’t find the answers up there!” “I know he’s not listening as there is absolutely no eye contact!”[…]
Read MoreYou are communicating all the time, even when you are not physically speaking you are communicating. You can never not communicate; this is why learning good communication skills from a young age is vital in developing healthy relationships with people as you grow up and why we, in[…]
Read MoreThis is the video version of the article that you can find on the NLP4Kids blog page at It has some great tips for improving your child’s concentration.
Read MoreShyness is a challenge for many young children, luckily it tends to get better with age, however here are a few ideas as to how you can start to improve your child’s confidence now.
Read MoreAround one in 100 adults are classified as autistics and although no formal figures are kept, it is estimated that the ratio is the same in children. Approximately 1% of all school children are recorded as having some kind of autistic spectrum disorder (including Asperger) which equates to[…]
Read MoreWhat did you want to be when you grew up? Did you do what you wanted to do or did you simply follow the path of least resistance? Over the years the options for employment possibilities have changed, they have widened offering young people more choice and with[…]
Read MoreAside from the physical health risks posed to obese children, the emotional risks are obvious. Anyone who thinks that it is the responsibility of other children to become more tolerant is probably morally correct, though living in an unachievable fantasy. Children cannot help but say what they see,[…]
Read MoreI recently worked with a young woman who counted the days down until she was 17 so that she could learn to drive, yet now she had reached that magical age she was overcome with fear and anxieties about taking her driving test. This is the person who[…]
Read MoreDid you know Anorexia cases can reach children as young as 6? External influences such as magazines, T.V and social media are huge factors in the development of Eating Disorders, such as Anorexia in Children. However there is more personal causes that can cause the development of such[…]
Read MoreToday I’ve been teaching NLP chunking to a 12 year old. If you have no idea what this is, or what it does, read on! In the past I’ve taught chunking to teachers to help them have a method for thoroughly explaining new projects to their class. However[…]
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