Author Archives: admin
We’ve made a few other videos about anxiety in the past: Stop your anxiety: Stop Coronavirus worries and Anxiety: Today’s video is all about the longer-term strategies for getting rid of anxiety. These include: Telling yourself a different story: Start to focus on what else you[…]
Read MoreOne of the first things that we need to be aware of when we are looking to create a better connection with our young people is that we have to get our own agenda out of the way. What I mean by this is you might have an[…]
Read MoreTips for talking about your problems include: Start with the facts. Don’t worry about getting into your emotions if you feel uncomfortable. Utilise the NLP strategy of ‘submodalities’ – this is fully explained in the video. Do some research on other people’s embarrassing stories – chances are they’re[…]
Read MoreWhen you are using counselling or CBT you must make sure that you are creating the best possible environment and circumstances for young people. In my therapy clinic, when I meet families for the first time, they might talk about different sorts of challenges that they’re having with[…]
Read MoreSometimes we know what the problem is but are just too tired or distracted by other things to be able to do anything much about it. The problem with putting things off (and hoping eventually they’ll just sort themselves out) is that it is costing you more energy[…]
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if mental health problems could be, in some way, contagious? I’m sure you have noticed that your own possibly negative or even dysfunctional psychological state could be picked up from the young people that you interact with and at times it’s like a[…]
Read MoreWe are currently living in unprecedented times and it is incredible to think about what our children are experiencing when we often struggle to process it ourselves as adults! With the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to predict what the future will look[…]
Read MoreWhy is there a sullen, stand-offish, lanky human grunting in response to me where my happy, loving, cute and communicative child once stood? As a Mum to a teenager, I am sure I am experiencing the same challenges as many of you are facing too. You are not[…]
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